Seasons Greatings!

Catholic Diocese of Makurdi

St. Gabriel's Tyav

Deanery: Agasha Deanery
Revd Fr Godwin Udaa
Parish Priest: Revd Fr Godwin Udaa
Associate Priest Revd Fr Andrew Alakpa Abaa, VC











About St. Gabriel's Tyav

St. Gabriel's Catholic Mission Tyav had a humble beginning. It started as a church in the year 1983 by some choir members of the then St. Dominic Catholic Church Shachi and a host of others.  At that time they were worshiping under a mango tree at the late Governor Aper Aku's Compound.

Through communal efforts, a thatch-roofed Church was constructed and named St. Gabriel's Catholic Church Tyav. The Church then was under Ikpayongo Parish as an outstation. Father D. T.  Akegh was the Priest in charge of the Parish; Father Nicholas Tarbo was the first priest to conduct mass in the new church. Other priests that celebrated mass for the church at that time included the late Father Robert Ode, Father Thomas Dekaa. Others included Father Geoffrey lortyer (of blessed memory), Father Augustine Igbum, Father Akagwu, Father Oliver Ortese and Father Moses Orshio Adasu (of blessed memory).

In February 2011, St. Gabriel's was declared an independent mission by his Lordship, Most Revd A. A. Usuh, the then Catholic Bishop of Makurdi Diocese. Father Titus Igyeseh was posted to the mission. It is worthy of note that St. Gabriel's Catholic Mission Tyav is the second Mission in Makurdi Diocese to be carved out of another mission, St. Thomas Mission Anum after that of St. Dominic Sachi from St. Joseph's Akpehe in 2005.  The current parish priest is Father Godwin Udaa.